Make garden rules and explore the garden through a scavenger hunt to find objects with opposite characteristics.
Plant seeds/and or seedlings in the school garden. Practice kindness when harvesting your crops by sharing with the school and greater community. Conduct an experiment with food scraps to see what is biodegradable and what is not. Pitch in to keep the garden clean and tidy. Weed, organize, and sift compost. |
Research the latin names of plants in the garden and make latin and common name plant labels.
Create colorful botanical sketches from the shadows they cast on the ground.
Make a loom and weave in found garden objects. |
Conduct a plant experiment to answer the question - Do plants grow better in compost?
Explore the garden to find the various insects that make up a garden ecosystem. Conduct an experiment to see how the greenhouse effect works, and contemplate ways to reduce greenhouse gases. |